Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How To Connect Sony Dvp-sr200p


  • Atempo Danza (Cochabamba)

Atempo Danza was born in 2001, with the objectiv or disseminate from teaching dance and choreography. His works exhibit a large social consciousness, revealed through a great concern to think about the eco-social environment, Resco tie the local cultural richness and symbolic expression. His works are the product collective reflection of the choreographers, that find their inspiration in the everyday world of and not ancestral Andean earthquake. His social commitment shows the work done by Atempo Danza Pobl heterogeneous ations, such as elderly people and rural people, generally excluded from the dance.

  • Katak (La Paz)

Katak contemporary dance works, artistic genre that breaks with the classical aesthetic canons s, capable of abstracting the essence of what we have to say. Discover continuously man's vision regarding the various possibilities of language, movement and creation . Becoming an important source and tool of expression Commission to contesting the needs of every age and society , can reach the public to raise awareness and making it part of certain problems tons binding to the reality that live in a particular space and time.


The Study of Contemporary Dance was founded in 1978 in Cochabamba, under the direction Carmen Tomsich Cozzi, becoming the first school of Modern and Contemporary Dance in Bolivia. Its aim is to cultivate modern dance as a means of cultural expression and social, provide a means of artistic development that allows for true fulfillment, create and develop a school and a corps of high artistic quality and professional. Noreen


Noreen Guzmán de Rojas, certified professional dancer, has over ten years experience of high level artistic Featured choreographers in companies of Germany and the United States. From of 2002 been actively involved in the area with positive results choreography to the public in Germany, France and Bolivia. works in collaboration with Vassil Anastasov, of Bulgarian origin, known professional photographer in the middle of Bolivia. The rich dialogue established between the arts and the use of alternative spaces, is a great day HALLENGES for both artists.

  • VIDANZA (Cochabamba)

VIDANZA Company Da NZA Contemporary establishing 2000 under the ion direcc Sylvia Fernandez, in response to a need Dad continuity in the formation of students TES Laredo Dance Institute and a space fusi di ng, experimentation and creation, allowing a Apor you professional development d and contemporary dance in Bolivia. Is consolidated with seven shows presented in various scenarios home and I and II Festival of the Contemporary Dance of Bolivia.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Silver Smithing Courses Calgary


remained so dance is a basic form of human expression The educational and cultural center Simon I. Patiño devised the III International Dance Festival to create a space capable of achieving communication not only between public and artists, but also between dance companies and national and international choreographers, cultural institutions and, crucially, the arts. The current version of this event promises a rich visual display, technical, choreographic, artistic and expressive unique in our country.

We are honored to introduce our international guests: Art Mou
  • v '(Corsica):

Hélène Taddei Lawson created the Com Art Compagnie Mo u v ' at in st 1998 in Corc and ga. Resid host ENCI to the Theatre of Bastia, the young company measures terr cattail finds inspiration on the is in that crucible of nature and cu depth below, writing short eográfica draws its various working c artistic ions. So works tell the story of each artist and these meetings. Compag The Art Mouv nie 'brings together artists inos cam varied. His work confronts or gestua trends and music them them, and evas nu di audiovisual technologies gital, combining contemporary gestu ales and general s ales your hip -hop with a binding energy of poetry reflect musical conce pts very urb years, points of convergence and notif hip hop beats, a uni verse oy contemporary new music trends electronic onyx. Group OCIA as choreography and video techniques (special effects work s video time rea l, "samples" of images, lowing Tools projection n umer) and No space ori ginal sound. Ar This process intends terms of art r stimulates thinking and int eracciones that put in relation tion a group of artists and multi disciplinary me using new technical means f TANDARDS creates tive.

    Frente de Danza Independiente
  • (Ecuador)

The Frente de Danza Independiente meets ba ea ilarines and choreographers who pray expl different fields of esc arts ENIC, and at present Dad is considered as the van guard contemporary dance in his country and one of the com panies major The tino America. While working with var Ios contemporary dance styles, give inside their ob particularly prevalent technical ras n ica release His work was presented in different countries, co mo Netherlands, Germany, France, England, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia via . Terry Ar aujo, the choreographer of FDI, is considered one of the leading exponents of the given za contemporary Ecuador. Your e experimental stilo encompasses the co ludi, capricious and irrepressible; marked a break imp ortant in this art form in their country. Along the Front Independent Dance and helped create a new gene ration dancers and they bring na za contemporary home beyond its borders.

  • Mirella Carbone (Peru)

Dancer, mae stra, choreographer and director of wide experience, Mirella Carbone founded and co-directs the School of Dance Pata de Cabra. Since 2003 he is director of the dance area and the group "Wanderings" at the Pontifical Catholic University Peru. Is in constant search of the transformation of the movement, the construction of character and narrative through the emotions and the possibilities of the body.

  • Provisional Danza Carmen Werner

As in all arts, especially in you the Performing Arts, based in the ephemeral and almost carnal relationship with the audience, the purpose of Provisional onal Dance is to unravel our reality-conscious and inco-nscientes in an environment involving expressive actors and audience, creating tension and expectation and, above all, interest in some trepidation through the maximum sensory and technical and aesthetic rigor. In this sense, in 1987, Carmen Werner creates the company that has been maturing his own style, being helped by the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Cu depth below from the years 94 and 98 respectively. His works combine various formats and media - from street work, video dance and dance Ope ra - to explore the multiple dimensions of reality and different forms of interaction between the public and artist. The sensory and tension stage, are key elements of their presentations. Considered one of the largest companies Spain, Provisional dance was presented in over twenty countries and received significant recommended recognition, as the Third International Dance Onassis Prize 2001.

  • Quiatora Monorail (Mexico):

Quiatora Monorail was created in 1992 by Evoè Sotelo and Benito Gonzalez. From the beginning, the dance company stood by the tone sarcastic that prevails in most of its work, in contrast, at the same time, with a deceptive touch of naivete that exalts a scathing point of view, a reflection of the perspective of the world experienced its choreographers from a particular TimeSpace, where irony , playfulness, freedom and violence coexist in a strange way, fertilizing a creative universe where most recurrent patterns of expression of conventional dance are broken in many ways.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Masterbated Fruit


All previous contemporary dance festivals were accompanied by an image that summed up the meaning and event-specific charism. The poster of this release is a clear example of art that feeds the art - in this case, the graph that represents and foreshadows the spirit of what we aim to achieve with this third festival: expression, freedom, space. We believe that our designer, Sergio Estrada, was showcased this time. With economic aesthetics, yet powerful, brings an image that truly captures the identity of this special moment that we share with you all.

The time is coming ...


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Animated Jokes For Cellphones



18:30 Opening

19:00 Provisional Danza (Spain) Kill 9

20:30 Atempo Danza (Bolivia): Mineral Belly


Frente de Danza Independiente 19:00 (Ecuador): Finally

20:30 Mirella Carbone (Peru) : Paso Doble


18:00 Katak (Bolivia): Internal Rim (Part Street, Plaza Colón)

Contemporary Dance Studio 19:00 Tomsich Melo (Bolivia): Shared Pulse ; Sequence upset

20:30 Mouv Art '(France) sos.bunker.com


18:00 Noreen Guzmán de Rojas (Bolivia): Five to seven senses in an instant

19:20 Vidanza (Bolivia): dream

20:30 Quiatora Monorail (Mexico): Mono


18:00 Noreen Guzmán de Rojas (Bolivia): Five to seven senses in an instant

19:20 Katak (Bolivia): Withorwithoutme

Contemporary Dance Studio Melo Tomsich / Hugron Yannick (France): Blik, around itself

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What Episode Does Bulma Says Vegeta's Kinda Cute

The curriculum center cultural and Simon I. Organizes Patiño the Third Festival of Contemporary Dance, which will be held in Cochabamba between 20 and 23 September 2006.

Contemporary dance can be understood as an organic form of art, a constant search for potential communication from the body that speaks to the here and now. It is a means of understanding and interpreting the world, based on a vocabulary of emotions articulated choreographic techniques.

Contemporary Dance Festival, held biennially, has become an important platform for the screening and enrichment of local talent through dialogue with companies and international choreographers and the audience. Among those invited are local: Vidanza, Katak, Atempo, Contemporary Dance Studio Tomsich Melo, national guests include Quiatora Monorail Mexico, Yannick Hugron, France, Frente de Danza Contemporánea de Ecuador, Provisional dance of Spain, Mirella Carbone Peru and Artmouv of France.