Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How To Connect Sony Dvp-sr200p


  • Atempo Danza (Cochabamba)

Atempo Danza was born in 2001, with the objectiv or disseminate from teaching dance and choreography. His works exhibit a large social consciousness, revealed through a great concern to think about the eco-social environment, Resco tie the local cultural richness and symbolic expression. His works are the product collective reflection of the choreographers, that find their inspiration in the everyday world of and not ancestral Andean earthquake. His social commitment shows the work done by Atempo Danza Pobl heterogeneous ations, such as elderly people and rural people, generally excluded from the dance.

  • Katak (La Paz)

Katak contemporary dance works, artistic genre that breaks with the classical aesthetic canons s, capable of abstracting the essence of what we have to say. Discover continuously man's vision regarding the various possibilities of language, movement and creation . Becoming an important source and tool of expression Commission to contesting the needs of every age and society , can reach the public to raise awareness and making it part of certain problems tons binding to the reality that live in a particular space and time.


The Study of Contemporary Dance was founded in 1978 in Cochabamba, under the direction Carmen Tomsich Cozzi, becoming the first school of Modern and Contemporary Dance in Bolivia. Its aim is to cultivate modern dance as a means of cultural expression and social, provide a means of artistic development that allows for true fulfillment, create and develop a school and a corps of high artistic quality and professional. Noreen


Noreen Guzmán de Rojas, certified professional dancer, has over ten years experience of high level artistic Featured choreographers in companies of Germany and the United States. From of 2002 been actively involved in the area with positive results choreography to the public in Germany, France and Bolivia. works in collaboration with Vassil Anastasov, of Bulgarian origin, known professional photographer in the middle of Bolivia. The rich dialogue established between the arts and the use of alternative spaces, is a great day HALLENGES for both artists.

  • VIDANZA (Cochabamba)

VIDANZA Company Da NZA Contemporary establishing 2000 under the ion direcc Sylvia Fernandez, in response to a need Dad continuity in the formation of students TES Laredo Dance Institute and a space fusi di ng, experimentation and creation, allowing a Apor you professional development d and contemporary dance in Bolivia. Is consolidated with seven shows presented in various scenarios home and I and II Festival of the Contemporary Dance of Bolivia.


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