Britney Spears - Gimme Moore.
Alexis and Fiddes.
are Track - just now.
Marina Vega - one tell me how to love
Juanes - Drops Freshwater
Chino y Nacho - Inside my
Franco and Oscarcito - The ax
Olga Tanon. Today I want to confess - Starting today.
Geri Halliwell - It `s Raining Men.

Pedro Damian RBD's creator rejects the separation of the group.
The reason for this separation may be because they are looking for personal development and is a good time for this
The Mexican producer Pedro Damian RBD's creator, denied today that the announcement of the breakup of the band. He claims that this is a publicity stunt, and noting that its members do not need that type of broadcast
"The group is active, very strong world to say goodbye. It is a time of transformation and is a natural consequence of growth. No specific reasons. Some say that if money is that if it's because they are in love, but those are just rumors, "he said.
stressed that this experience leaves a lot as a producer
The producer recalled that in addition to farewell tour, the group has yet to record a studio album.
not know what will happen with plans to film a movie, what was planned for the artistic set.
Christian joins AIDS campaign

actor and singer confessed he has been repeatedly tested for HIV.
Christian Chavez said that public confidence in his work makes you feel a responsibility to certain social causes and therefore joined a campaign that invites people to get tested for HIV.
The campaign, which launches this week and will run until December, seeks to warn about the importance of early detection of AIDS-causing virus to prevent new infections and provide treatment. You will be tested around the country faster.
"It is very important this kind of campaign not only for youth but for society in general. We must be aware of the proximity (The virus). Many young people are not protected because he sees it as far "and that increases the risk of infection, the singer said Tuesday at a news conference.
The actor also said that getting tested is a responsibility not only with oneself and with society, but also "sexual partners, family and friends."
The advantage of rapid tests is that once you find out if it is negative and "do not you stay with anxiety, "Chavez said. If it points to a positive test is another quick check and then another to confirm the diagnosis.
The same test was performed several times and acknowledged that he was "scared to death ... You are an obsession, of course, but that should not stop people. "As a young man must take charge of your destiny ... We must break with the paradigms."
Victor Manuel Espindola, CEO
"I shall be supporting a. .. this message at concerts (RBD) and where possible, "said the singer, who is distinguished by the continuous changes of color in her hair.
is currently evaluating several projects for his career, he said without elaborating.
Sharon Stone lost a court for custody of his son
According to the ruling of a judge, the child is placed under the guardianship of the newspaper editor Phil Bronstein, former husband of Hollywood actress.
Hollywood actress Sharon Stone, a divorced mother with three boys adopted children, lost a trial over custody of their offspring than eight years, Roan, by her ex-husband, newspaper editor Phil Bronstein, whom the child will live, according to the ruling of a judge.
According to the judge's father would be able to offer a home "stable" and is also in San Francisco where the child goes to school. A move would not benefit the interests of the child. The actress of "Basic Instinct", who lives in Hollywood in April requested a change in custody.
four years ago that Stone and Bronstein divorced third husband. In 2000 the couple had adopted the little now eight years old. Bronstein holds custody of the child.
Sharon Stone had also adopted two other boys, in May 2005, Laird and Quinn in June 2006.
Mariana vega ready for their concert!

Show The company in charge of making this musical tournée main promoter of the concert "Peace without Borders", signed and confirmed exclusively to Mariana Vega, to be the special guest performer at the concert that will the star of the song Juanes in Caracas Polyhedron facilities.
will 4 cities in the country that the singer of "La Camisa Negra" put their fans into a frenzy to Venezuela on tour. will be 20 and 21 September in the Polyhedron of Caracas, continue on 23 and 24 at the Forum Valencia, followed by the 28 Luis Aparicio stadium in Maracaibo and will culminate on Sept. 29 in
For its part, Mariana Vega will be in the magnificent scenery of the Polyhedron of Caracas in the middle of his band, led by winner Luis Romero, as well as his staff of internationally renowned musicians who will do their best self to amalgamate to a public that has unconditionally supported the start of the disc in the world and thanks to this audience has obtained for several weeks in the first place in the Record Report, with its first three issues.
Mariana Vega said from Los Angeles that promises "a show full of great chemistry with their fans." The author of the theme of RCTV's new novel "Nobody will tell me how to love you" will have his guitar as a protagonist in a performance that include items currently produced by the famous arranger Aureo Baqueiro, known internationally for producing and directing for artists albums size of Sin Banderas, Paulina Rubio, Alejandro Fernández, Aleks Syntek Bejonce and, among others.
Viviana Gibelli: "My condition does not prevent me from continuing to work "

The cheerleader and actress Viviana Gibelli announced - officially - that she is pregnant, and already has five weeks. His eldest son is the fruit of nine months of a relationship with businessman David Akinin of Jewish origin, who has wedding plans in the medium term.
Gibelli confessed that this is the best news I have given in your life, because he has always wanted to be a mother, but is really the last four months that brought about the search for a baby. For this reason, he began treatment with Dr. Ibrahim Reyes, Academic Medical Center
said that the heartbeat of your baby is the most beautiful sound he has heard in his life.
other hand, said that by the time the rumor of her pregnancy with triplets of three months, she would have at most a week and a half, during pregnancy, and still did not know. The news of expecting a baby on Monday met her obstetrician's mouth and immediately wanted to share the Good News with Joaquín Riviera and Manuel Fraiz-Grijalva (Venevision) and all the Venezuelan public.
"It was very difficult to categorically deny something that could be feasible, because I was looking for the baby. When the rumor of my pregnancy, many people are happy and I think that, in part, contributed to this energy and give so I want to thank everyone for their positive energy, "he said.
Fashion Model Photo Book Barquisimeto ... for a day

The event will feature special guest Ana Karina Anez, Miss Venezuela 2003, renowned photographers, image consultants and other professionals in the world of fashion.
Event participants will have the opportunity to get a photo shoot, which has fifteen high-resolution photos on CD, six printed photographs of size 8 "x12" with professional retouching.
participants will also Accessories available for known brands, professional makeup, a workshop on basic gateway and advice photography "photo-pose" also will benefit from participation in sweepstakes scholarships for basic modeling courses, admission to On Line Casting nationwide and international meetings edition appeared in fashion.
Applicants must be presented with basic wardrobe, makeup and hair without drying, with the respective registration forms, photocopy of identity card and bank deposit to reserve a date and shift of the photo shoot.
Luís Chataing broadcast live from Barquisimeto

The popular speaker and moderator on Wednesday Luís Chataing was visiting Barquisimeto to convey "Back in the Morning" program that leads
For three hours the audience Lara, media and special guests accompanied these three legendary characters
funny comments between national and international events, spent the evening in which those present took the opportunity to share and learn more of the three hosts of "Back in the morn ', where humor is an important part that allows bring the public to view news in an entertaining way.
In exchange, Chataing said they would be delighted that the leading program in cable channel Sony Entertainment Television, "It is half a day in China", may be recorded in Venezuela in the not too distant .
addition to pregnancy his former colleague Erica
Antonio Banderas receives the Donostia Prize at San Sebastian Festival

English actor Antonio based in United States Banderas, 47, received on Friday September 26 Donostia Prize at San Sebastian Film Festival for her career wanting to "deepen" in the cinema and theater as a performer and director.
After playing half a hundred films - "Tie me," the fox "," Philadelphia "," Two much "or" Desperado "- now wants to" work less and better, and more time as director, after several forays behind the camera with films like "The Way of the English" or "Crazy in Alabama"
The Donostia want it to be "like a Christmas tree," where "is still hanging a lot of balls, for example returning to work in Spain in both film and theater.
The queen seeking Cardinals

For this reason, the selection began last week with the first pre casting where he attended a large group of girls who compete for a place in the final selection, where only 10 young people have the opportunity to dispute the band now carries Carolaima Graterol.
The final choice will be next Tuesday October 7th at The Mall Trinity, in a show of music and beauty, where the official candidates will be the main protagonists of the production made by Gregory Arrieta.
The candidates must meet a busy schedule that includes visits to the media and other public institutions and charities, as for season 2008 - 2009, sought a queen with social impact, able to show the noble face of beauty pageants that, frequently, they are labeled as frivolous.
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