Saturday, February 5, 2011

Visual Examples Of Subliminal Messages

ASEC 2011. ANDALUZ FILM AWARDS (Chronicle of delivery)

Group photo of ASEC Awards 2011. Photo: Anas El Hadri

Pablo Barriga and Mercedes Hoyos, hosts of the event. Photo: JM Paisano

Pianist Alejandra Pacheco. Photo: JM Paisano

another year, we celebrated the feast of film delivery Andalusian ASEC Awards in a ceremony that brought together this Saturday, February 5 at the Centro Cultural Cajasol Seville, many of the leading protagonists of the current Andalusian cinema, including: Pilar Tavora (ASEC Award Address), Gerardo Olivares (ASEC Screenplay Award), actors and Manuel Maria Alfonsa Rosso Solo (ASEC Awards Performance) and Manuel Alcala, director of the historic Cine Club Life (ASEC Honor Award). The event was hosted by actress Mercedes Hoyos and journalist Paul Barry, and was attended by the pianist Alejandro Pacheco.

Pilar Tavora, ASEC Award Address. In the background, Javier Paisano, president of ASEC. Photo: JM Paisano
Seville director Pilar Tavora, awarded for his feature film Beloved Mother , stressed "the Andalusian character" of these awards, "we can show that the Andalusians heart to heart talk to anyone." Távora wanted to dedicate his award to the actors with whom he has worked on Beloved Mother and "producers and directors of English cinema, we are going through many sickness."

Gerardo Olivares (right) ASEC Screenplay Award, and Eduardo Trias director of Latin American Film Festival of Huelva. Photo: Miguel Ángel León. Department of Communication RTVA

For its part, the director of Cordoba, Gerardo Olivares, recognized by the script Entrelobos had to collect their prize of a special remembrance for the people of Cardenas, the town where the film is shot, and the young star of the same, Manuel Angel Camacho (nominated for a Goya in the category of Best Actor).

Manuel Alcala, Director of Film Club Life (second from right). With him, from left to right: Enrique Hive, Francisco Casado and Juan Fabian Delgado, ASEC partners, film critics and colleagues Film Club Life. Photo: JM Paisano
The emotional highlight of the event was experienced Award to Honor ASEC Life Film Club and its director, the octogenarian priest Manuel Alcala, who received it as "a collective award recognizes in particular the public" that has passed through this historic cinema club Sevilla in more than five decades of activity.

was also very emotional
Mary Alphonsa Rosso, ASEC Award 'Antoñita Colome' Actress. Beside her, Pablo García Casado, director of the Film in Andalucia. Photo: Anas El Hadri
the award ASEC 'Antoñita Colome' Actress Alphonsa Mary Rosso, who said that critical recognition Andalusian was going to serve "as a stimulus for further improving and researching in my profession, you never stop learning. "

Manuel Solo, ASEC Award 'Antoñita Colome' Interpretation Male. Next to him, the film director Ana Rosa Diego. Photo: JM Paisano
Manuel Solo, ASEC Award 'Antoñita Colome' Actor, had a fun intervention to take the stage to collect his award and said it remains " doing the same thing as most of the child, play, with the only difference that I get paid well, which is very good. "

Manuel Hidalgo (center) and Olmo Figueredo (right), director and producer respectively of 'Bécquer unknown' ASEC Documentary Award. Together to them, the actor Antonio Dechent. Photo: JM Paisano

Manuel Hidalgo, director of Bécquer unknown, Film award in the Documentary category, said he was thrilled to receive this award a few meters where he is buried Gustavo Adolfo Becquer (the Pantheon of Illustrious Sevillanos in the Church of the Annunciation, near the Cultural Center Cajasol).

Alex Catalan (right) ASEC Award 'Teo Escamilla' Technical-Artistic Contribution. Next to him, Angel Pantoja, artist plastic. Photo: JM Paisano

Alex Catalan, ASEC Award 'Teo Escamilla' Technical Contribution Art Room for photography in Rome, expressed his hope that "the Andalusian technicians to work more often here and not have to leave Andalusia to exercise their profession. "

Yolanda Caballero, Deputy for Culture of the Provincial de Jaén, and Enrique Iznaola (right), director of Encounters with English Cinema and the English Film Festival de Jaén Unpublished . Together them, Antonio Caceres, head of Heritage and Culture Foundation Cajasol. Photo: Anas El Hadri.

ASEC Award Film Diffusion in Andalusia, which has recognized this year's Encounters with English Cinema and the English Film Festival Unpublished Jaen, was picked up by Yolanda Caballero, Deputy Culture, and Enrique Iznaola, director of these two activities that bring the public jiennense the protagonists of English cinema.

Ana Melendo, ASEC Book Film Award. Beside her, Alfonso Zurro, playwright and theater director. Photo: JM Paisano
Melendo Professor Ana Cordoba, ASEC Book Award Film by Antonioni: an ethical and aesthetic appreciation for the opportunity to disseminate their work " beyond the university "and had words of remembrance and gratitude for the book's protagonist, the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni.

Emilio Gonzalez (left), director PROMIC Picture Production, and Fidel Cardete, director of Canal Sur TV programs, ASEC Television Program Award. Together them, the actress and singer Gloria de Jesus. Photo: Miguel Ángel León. Department of Communication RTVA
The Television Program Award, awarded this year to 'The public reads "Canal Sur 2, was collected by Emilio Gonzalez, Director of Production PROMIC Image, and Fidel Cardete, Director Programs Canal Sur TV. The latter praised the decision of ASEC "value to quality public television" and had a memory for the other two programs that had been nominated in this category, Theses and ideas Club, also of South Canal.

Juan José Roldán (left) and Jose Serrano (right), directors 'Red Carpet', ASEC Labor Award Information about Movies. Alongside them, Mercedes de Pablos, Counsellor of the FAC. Photo: JM Paisano
José Serrano and Juan José Roldán, radio program directors 'Red Carpet', ASEC Labor Award Information about Movies, cited in the thanks of his award Radiópolis (where the broadcast), defining it as "a free radio station," and demanded "more investment in culture and less on slabs.

Nono Palomino, director of 'ambidextrous', ASEC Short Film Award. Photo: JM Paisano

The resident Huelva Malaga Nono Palomino, director of The Ambidextrous , ASEC Award Short, also wanted to have some warm words of appreciation for the actors with whom he has worked in both their short and on television, where a member of the hit team autonomic Arrayán.

addition to the winners, this afternoon attended the film festival Andalusian many familiar faces from the world of audiovisual and culture in this community as directors such as Alberto Rodriguez, Ana Rosa Diego or Juan Sebastian Bollaín, actors Antonio Dechent or Glory of Jesus Alfonso Zurro playwright, artist Angel Pantoja, journalist Mercedes de Pablos, Director of the Andalusian Film, Pablo Casado García, director of the Festival Iberoamericano de Huelva, Eduardo Trias, or Head of Heritage and Culture Foundation Cajasol, Antonio Caceres. ------

From left to right: Javier Reyes, Pablo Barriga, Lucas Quintero Mercedes Hoyos, María del Mar Delgado, Juan Antonio Bermúdez, Tristan Falin, Oliva Gómez, Juan Manuel Maraver, Manuel Javier Rosado and Paisano. Missing from the photo Alejandra Pacheco, pianist, and Ramon Pereira, coordinator of the event.

artistic and technical specs act

Coordinator: Ramon Perera
Presenters: Mercedes Hoyos and Pablo Barriga
piano concert: Alejandra Pacheco

Director of Protocol : Oliva Gómez
Partners: María del Mar Delgado, Juan Manuel Maraver, Falin Tristan and Luke Manuel Rosado Quintero

videos Technical collaboration: Javier Reyes
Photographers: Anas El Hadri and Juan Miguel Paisano

Assistant Director: Juan Antonio Bermúdez
Director and screenwriter : Javier Paisano


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