"Luis has never failed us." He says in his memoirs film, Nieves Arrazola, widow of the great producer-including Viridiana-Ricardo Muñoz Suay. "It came to house and ask, What are you doing here?. Come by if something happens .... ". Now that he showered praise on film, it is worth remembering the personality of the gentleman Luis Garcia Berlanga, neither in difficult times forget the needs of friends or lost his smile. No soul froze when he came to Russia as a member of the Blue Division to redeem his family in the war. Do not even cleared the humor in the Franco regime, separating with hyphens master to censorship. Berta Muñoz Suay her goddaughter took the stage with her sister Anne at the close of European Cinema Festival of Seville to say he had taught to overcome the problems of life using humor. It was a gift for her and all the English that Mr. Marshall first and the Marquis de Leguineche then let us look at the most depths of our national abyss without losing hope thanks to smile. It is, as its title, the National Heritage , because neither the English cinema and the history of Spain (and, in capital letters) would be equally interesting if his shrewdness and delicacy had not been at your service. When his movies are again sporadically in television episodes look as true nationals. The smell of mothballs has not taken possession of them, perhaps because all remains the same. Recent political love for Bush or Obama take us back to "Americans, I welcome you with joy" and his junior title, with a jail All seemed an improvement over the corrupt love of money that poisons our politics. We need a revival of his complete works on the nights of our television, which has lost its way, and Don Luis may help to resume its journey without getting lost in Timbuktu.
Director of the European Film Festival Sevilla ( SEFF )
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