Jaén Provincial Council
Jaén province was also present at the demonstration UI, held yesterday February 20 in Madrid. Several buses were transferred from our province since early morning to be at 12 am in Madrid's Puerta de Toledo, the starting point of the journey, until you reach the Puerta del Sol activists, supporters and friends of many municipalities Jaén province participated in this important mobilization against the cuts on pensions, employment and social rights' There we saw colleagues from Úbeda, Huesa, Sabiote, Linares, Jabalquito, Arjona, Andujar Bailen, Mengíbar, Jodar Torredelcampo. Torredonjimeno ... and the provincial leaders of IU and the PCE, Luis Segura, Luis Fernandez, Manuel Pegalajar, Juan Antonio Sáez, Ana Moreno. Paqui Expósito, Marcelo Cuevas, Loli Gonzalez, Diego de la Cruz ... De
success can be described this event, whose assistance was much higher than expected by IU, making the Gate the Sun at the end of the trail in a vast sea of \u200b\u200bred flags and banners arrivals from different places.

At the end of the demonstration, the federal coordinator of United Left, Cayo Lara, has been at IU as a "political force capable of providing an outlet to the left to the crisis" facing the "triple treason José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero "both to their own voters and the entire workforce. Lara said that "leftists in Spain is not an orphan, despite this government. There is Izquierda Unida and are willing to give them an answer. A Zapatero many workers voted for him then has ruled against them and to the powerful. He voted with environmentalists and supports the nuclear PP. Voted him the peace and ultimately led us to war. Failed in all his words and when someone does that he has nothing more. "
Jaén, 6 March 2011.
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