"The fault of Zapatero in the English crisis is 60% up"
The renowned professor and former deputy is very critical of Zapatero and his "conscious ignorance" by "electioneering reasons." Covenants and is in favor of reforms as an alternative to the construction to create jobs
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diariodesevilla.es - JOSE JOAQUIN LEON Santiago Bernabéu.
Are you concerned over the policy or the economy in Spain today?
"I worry about how to deal with the economy that have some politicians who think that with his ideas and insights can solve everything. Is the reason that we are as we ZP.
- What is the origin of this crisis?
"The crisis is global in origin, even systemic. But each club must put her candle. In Spain we had a crisis with or without U.S. subprime mortgages. What happens is that the bursting of the housing bubble in U.S. real estate began to disrupt everything. However, the crisis in Spain was announced in all shades. The government did not listen. Solbes did not transmit the reports of the Bank of Spain, because the boom does not want to hear the spoilers.
- is partly to blame Zapatero in the English crisis?
"I would say that Zapatero is the fault of 60% up.
- Why not take action? "In my book How to overcome the crisis, published by Edaf in 2009, recounts a conversation he had with Carlos Zapatero at the Foundation of Antwerp, where he had to present the English program of the European Community presidency. I told him: "Mr. President, and we can not continue. You need something like the Moncloa Pacts", in which I worked. And I said, in February 2009, "Ramon, do not enteráis. We are better than ever and will leave the crisis before anyone else." Now it says the crisis is severe and will last five years.
- So negative was its handling of the crisis?
"You wrote a book on the subject, but in short, how can end the crisis?
-Con serious structural reforms. With a strong fiscal discipline and creating the conditions for increasing productivity and competitiveness in Spain. None of this has been done seriously. And, in the government conspiracy ZP / unions, has entered a half-hearted reforms vaudeville and unfulfilled, which is a retarding effect to solve the problem.
"The strike is unsustainable, a social problem. What do you think?
-Mass unemployment in Spain, which is twice the EU, because we had a hypertrophy of the construction. In Spain it represented almost 25% of GDP, with its tugs from other industries such as cement, aggregates, ceramics, iron and steel, wood, glass, textiles ... When construction drops below half, mass unemployment continues.
-Construction no longer as before. Are there solutions?
"For starters need two things: a clear inventory of unsold homes recently built thing that has not been tried almost anything, or a replacement building for an investment in other industries and activities services, where neither has done anything. And more, the 40,000 million spent in 2010 on the unemployed are an aid to survive, but have no leverage. No one has tried to change spending on unemployment in occupancy expense.
- Would benefit from a change of government?
"A change of government opened new expectations. Those who come take the painful measures in the early days, because they have four years ahead. The pain is being forgotten, if conditions improve after. Therefore, a change of government would be highly positive. I think in the next elections in May there will be steps in that direction. Read full .
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