The second victim of gender violence in the province of Jaén, after three years (since 2007) without worrying about any deaths, but that does not mean that complaints had decreased or that the blight had minor effects on province.
For Robles, as IU has reported on other occasions, the Comprehensive Law against Gender Violence, which was a step forward in time, it envisages the need to integrate women victims of abuse in the workplace and social life now, is still insufficient because it lacks the human and economic means to effectively fight against gender violence. Moreover, the development of the law should provide a big investment in education and training for society at large knows the dimensions of the violence perpetrated against women, not only in the domestic sphere, and as they result suffered from discrimination for centuries and firmly rooted, culturally and socially.
also Selina Robles noted that measures the PSOE government has taken and will mean more cuts, including elimination of the Ministry of Equality; reduction of social spending on health, education and dependency, the labor reform, the pension freeze or extend the retirement age are measures that make women in the big victims of the current economic situation and impede their incorporation into work and a level playing field between men and women. Furthermore, according to UI responsible, the government should take steps at once and without hesitation for the eradication of inequality and sexual object image that women have in our society. Finally, the spokesman pointed out that the area has long proposed Izquierda Unida a great deal of state between all political and social forces, "and still maintain," that would build on the commitment of all levels reach an agreement that basically understand the decision not to endorse or institutional or socially, any manifestation of violence against women, combating anyway, and with all means available. That is, this pact would put all the means necessary to any violence, either as individual or collective event (business, media, institutions, etc.) Did not have, from the Covenant, not just any complicity, no explanation or justification, but also had to contend with strength of social justice.
Jaén, March 22, 2011. Area
Provincial Women's IULV-CA
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