Time will tell in what will be the investment of the pool while, you enjoy the neighbors, that's what has been done and has announced the imminent opening. Otherwise, we would not see how, in the way, it becomes another black hole of the municipal administration or otherwise serve to ruin the unsuspecting entrepreneurs, misguided and not properly calculate the risks, launch a business venture uncertain, it is failing in many municipalities, and look doomed to disaster. Although we would be wrong and that the indoor pool a reality solvent and widely enjoyed by most of the neighbors, hopefully.
's business pools
municipal watering
repaid their investment, are immersed to reach a new goal: not having money thrown into the water. Are seeking ways to operate without closing. 5:30
The business of water makes swimming pools V. Gámir LEVANTE-EMV
VALENCIA competitiveness achieved by the municipalities Valencia to get a swimming pool, bigger and better than neighboring town, has come face over a council that was released into the water without pre-feasibility studies. Today, some are in the absurd position of having to say their neighbors "do not bathe in winter," as Mayor Beniganim regrets. Since the search for new ways to rescue the economic collapse of the invention of new systems to save on electricity bills, through the pooling of services, everything goes for them afloat.
Infrastructure defendants but ... "Profitable?
Valencia City (800,000 inhabitants) has 14 indoor pools in the past year have been three million applications, 15,000 more than in 2009. Are sports facilities del Carmen, Trafalgar, Ayora, Orriols, Torrefiel, Benimamet the Petxina, Supplies, Marxalenes, Patraix Rambleta Fuente de San Luis, Valencia Natzaret and pool. The council is planning three more in Malilla, Nou Moles and the ships of the Cros. "The indoor facilities are very popular among neighbors, but when you build must be evaluated profitability ratios, "explains Councillor for Sports of Valencia, Cristobal Grau. "They are very expensive to make and maintain and to function must have a potential user." "Without a minimum population of 30,000 are unprofitable plant."
Each municipality with its pool

With two primary schools and in the nearest Header Mislata park rises from nine years ago a huge concrete block intended one day the second municipal swimming pool of the locality. In the case of Silla, the swimming pool deck was built but the company that operated decided to leave after reaching an agreement with the city. Although the municipality claims that the termination of the contract was due to poor management that users complained, the company justified in his day that he was not profitable to deal with the pool. Profitable or not, now another company is already dealing with the management but it is the council which is responsible for maintenance. There are other municipalities take advantage of the neighboring towns have not pool deck to capture the inhabitants. Rafelbunyol is the case, attended by swimmers Massamagrell or Museros. In May, the City of Albuixech and the Emperor signed an agreement for the second city dwellers could enjoy the pool first. And, as pointed out by Rocafort mayor last summer, in these times of crisis seems a crime that his people and the two neighbors (Burjassot and Godella) each having an indoor pool even though their terms are only separated municipal by a street.
viability problems and high rates
of projects claimed as necessary for bottomless pits. The municipalities of Marina Alta tested formulas to keep their brand new heated pools become a ruin. Each pool is a case. And so, as the municipality of Pego has been forced to rescue the grant and is now trying to make this service economically viable in Dénia, the company Aqualia applied tariffs, the new swimming pool (free bath costs six euros) which are by far the most expensive in the region. Benissa and Teulada have found the ultimate solution. In their agreement to share services and lower costs have included Benissa heated pool, which was the first public who launched in the Marina Alta. "Consortium" can greatly facilitate this infrastructure to be viable to have more potential users, in addition, companies that exploit them avoid the easy way to raise the rates. Thus, the only important town of Marina Alta is still heated pool Javea, who has been waiting five years that the Consell uphold its commitment to build it (the planned investment was 5 million euros). Benitachell, Javea is borderline, despite having 4,400 inhabitants, it does have this infrastructure. Meanwhile, Ondara, with 6,500 residents, also has a heated pool. In this case, there are many who prefer to move because dianenses rates are cheaper (free bath costs two euros) than its new-pool.
Olympic pool to use

For years, the pool of Requena, built in the middle Franco with financial contributions from residents or staff working hours, was proud to Requena. It was just something "huge", with levers and trampolines for jumping Olympic square -720 meters and a depth that exceeded 5 meters in some places. The pool could store more than 200,000 cubic meters of water and supplies from one of the many springs that fertilized the garden of the Magro river. Rare is chlorinated much water was renewed, so that its operation is a asemajaba the irrigation pond. However, over the years, the spring health declined and he became much more stringent controls. Had to drink water from the municipal, chlorinated ... Too much money and an unsustainable future. The solution adopted was to waive the jumping platform and reduce the depth of the pool. The estimated savings in water consumption is 30% in the filling of the pool, you have to add what has been steadily losing further after fixing the pipes.
spending soars and seeks to attract new users

In the region of Ribera case Most alarming is the Alginet, where it has been known that the city council has spent 571,000 euros on maintenance over the past five years. This is an aquatic center prepared for 200 people, with a glass of 33 feet, when normal is 25. Already at the time cost more than 800,000 euros. Between 2004 and 2009, alginetina pool accumulated a deficit for the public purse that exceeded 100,000 euros on average per year. But if there are regions which prohibits the construction of swimming pools in municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants (to be invited to pool services), Guadassuar is a good example that Valencian territory there is no such control. This coastal town has just over six thousand residents and managers of the pool have been forced to launch a major campaign to attract users not to exacerbate losses. The counterpoint is found in Carcaixent, where the authorities made a preliminary study to analyze the needs of the locality. The municipal pool became profitable economically since the first year.
many expenses and low profitability

The only two public indoor swimming pools Coast, the Canal and the Vall d'Albaida, Ontinyent and the Beniganim, have always been an economic setback for municipalities. The best example is given in Beniganim, a town of 6,500 inhabitants, which spends around € 50,000 per year maintaining installation. Its mayor, John Puchades, the PP, it recognizes that the pool will produce a hole in the accounts "unbearable for a population like ours. Clearly we do not want to make money, but also that we generate as many losses. " Puchades that attempted to take the management company, "but were a time and ran away. How would you even let him lose $ 3,000 in bail deposited. " Beniganim Mayor decided to reduce the time to cut costs: "We have 10 people, reception, lifeguards and monitors. Costs money to maintain this pool, among other things, because here most people not used to swim in winter. " Puchades says that "when the money runs out, we will ask the closure 'forecasts. The Ontinyent, managed by a private company, has continued to provide structural problems since it opened in haste in 2001. The work on improving the facilities have happened over time, to which must be added the money had to compensate the concessionaire for the losses, it is estimated that with the release of the latest contributions may exceed 200,000.
An exception that has
Pools Camp Morvedre in good health in view of the number of users and more than a few waiting lists that exist for the wide range of activities existing. Of course the other thing is that after the accounts add up in the balance between revenue and expenses. The case is illustrative Sagunt. The city has three indoor pools, the last of which only takes a couple of years of operation after a cost overrun in its construction came to a million euros. However, the high maintenance costs make the payment for the charges hardly bear 20% of the costs. However, the huge influx of users since, in addition to the bathroom free, hosting a multitude of courses, classes for all students in second through fourth grade as well as activities of swimming and water polo clubs. So no wonder I always rub the complete, when there is generated a waiting list. This reason has led to the town of Sagunto in the last year to find ways to deal with this deficit.
The fact that in the new outdoor pool has opted for the privatization of management, workers raised fears that the PP government opted for the same choice for decks, which provoked a strong response association.

Provincial de Castelló Pool has been reduced by 250 the number subscribers during the year compared to last year and in total the figure stands at 3,400 users. "We have been slow to notice the crisis, and that the payment is a minor expense, but in recent months have begun to detect a drop in subscribers," said the director of the provincial pool, Jaime Catalan. The main problem facing concessionaire is paying the investment two years ago to expand the facility. The project was funded with more than one million euros by the Provincial Government, which owns the pool, while the operating company provided 800,000 euros.
Ador boiler heats the prunings

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