blog comes from Utica Incognita.
town of San Julian: magic realism and urban art
Photo: Association Fuente Agria
Many years later, he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. Macondo was then a village of twenty houses of mud and Canabrava built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and to indicate them it was to point the finger ...
has never visited the town of San Julian. To our knowledge, has not even passed around Marmolejo during one of his visits to Spain. And yet, the description and the dreamy atmosphere with which the Colombian Nobel started the monumental novel One Hundred Years of Solitude back in 1967 suggest a fly pen portrait of the hamlet, paradise near and yet so remote as Macondo itself, Comala and other villages of the great Latin American literary cartography of twentieth century ... or fiction film of the new millennium, if spectrum, the garden-friendly town Big Fish (Tim Burton, 2003). fabrications aside, and because he has remained almost alien-like all-a housing bubble, San Julian is a unique venue in the province. Seemed less attractive or have made their offer some Andalusian establishments dedicated to sustainable tourism. All it takes to enter this circuit is I + I + I (Initiative, Imagination, Infrastructure). The arrangement of a few streets is fine, but not enough. Read full
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