Monday, March 21, 2011

Arthritis College Scholarships

Marmolejo "This is not clear if not Cayo Lara! ".

IU Madrid protest against welfare cuts

is presented as the only "alternative would be deep and long-haul" to build a "leftist government" not to kneel before the markets

ROMERO MADRID 21/03/2011 8:00

Gate Panoramic del Sol in Madrid, Sunday at the end of the manifestation of IU against social cutbacks began in SÁNCHEZ Toledo.FERNANDO Gate

policy settings José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has left the way open on the left. Or so, at least, Izquierda Unida ambition: to establish itself as the only force of reference for all the "betrayed" by the government. Yesterday brought pulse alone, without the staff unions, thousands of people at a demonstration in Madrid, Puerta de Toledo to the Sun, called to protest against the cuts on pensions, employment and social rights as header indicating its theme. And was responsible for selling an "alternative serious, profound, long-haul "to help build" with anyone "a" left-wing government that ensures no more kneeling before the markets ", a" full democracy ". The speech began with a jubilant coordinator federal, grown by the repeated cries of "President, President!" and "This is not clear whether Lara is Key!".

speech wove a leader steeped in the classic proclamation on the left. In their "values "intrinsic and powerful weapon" against such corruption, both unemployed, so much dissatisfaction. "The" values \u200b\u200bof many who have left and do not know, and you have to tell you. "Courage, as he said later, of "committed", the authors of the "social gains, labor, civil, against the" indifferent and opportunistic. " "Let us fill municipalities and autonomous parliaments with our values \u200b\u200bas always, are still alive. The values \u200b\u200bof participation, transparency, honesty, solidarity, social justice, equality, collective commitment, generosity and solvency," he roared in anticipation of the forthcoming election campaign. The coordinator crushed the image of IU as a force "with a moral authority" incontestable.


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