DETE SA construction company, the Health Center. Web socialist, with involvement in Marmolejo.
wonder when it was awarded the work of the health center, they celebrated as if it were an anthology event, with catering and everything. Of course I paid the company, were used. One company, which has been linked to the highest offices of the old guard, Mr. Chaves and company. Company used to carry out monumental works, with incalculable benefits and have professional relationships with companies "Chavez."
So the mayor said he could not do anything since it was well awarded ...
Author By Andalucía LIbre
Sunday, July 16, 2006 Last
Monday, July 17, 2006
The company Climo Cover SA, for which he works as a consultant José Antonio Chaves González , brother of the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Manuel Chaves , appears linked to more than a dozen companies . José Antonio Chaves González and José María Gómez Márquez partner also part of society Tecnoclima SL sports facilities, dedicated to the installation, maintenance, repair and installation of air conditioners, water purifiers, lighting and covers for gymnasiums, pools and pavilions. With an issued capital of 3,020 euros, the company, domiciled in the Seville town of Alcala de Guadaira and seems to go well.
's partner José Antonio Chaves also participates in more than a dozen companies involved in construction of sports facilities, engineering and architecture projects, real estate and construction. Among them,
Proycon Asset Management Ltd. (administrator only),
Proinver de las Nieves (joint manager),
Consulting SL Urban and Regional Planning (administrator solidarity),
Planorte SL (administrator solidarity),
Ecomar Management SL (administrator only),
Air Weather Sports and Leisure (joint manager),
Ingedec Sports Solutions AJE (joint manager),
Hispamex Trade SL (SAD),
Arkingenia SL (SAD),
e-tionary group SL (administrator only) List and Checking
SL (administrator only).
The framework in which the company is set Climo cover is not here. The society's brother Chaves also appears linked to Jardines de San Rafael SA Dete companies SA, SA and Calpu Gadicón SA, with forming or has formed a joint venture (Joint Venture Company) for the implementation of various projects and specific allocations.
is known that the company grew sales since joining the brother of Manuel Chaves to society: increased threefold.
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