Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Build A Sausage Press

While Spain is plunged into misery, wars distract us with the "pacifist socialist"

The real reasons for war Zapatero puppet plays
Repsol 30,000 million euros in oil Gaddafi

A. Expansion Marimón

Trade relations with the African country focuses on the oil. Repsol, which has 5% of its reserves there, and Sacyr are groups with greater interest.

Gaddafi and Aznar when changing weapons for oil

Libya is not among the major trading partners of Spain in the world, but it is one of its biggest oil suppliers. The Gaddafi's oil fields provided, before the conflict started, 12.7% of the needs of English oil refinery. In total, Spain has spent more than 29,000 million euros annually to bring Libya's black gold, which represents 95% of total imports from country Arabic.

Sale of English products and services to this market barely reaches 2.441 million (from vehicles produced in English car plants to oil and electrical appliances).
's special relationship with Libya Spain's energy is reflected in the presence of domestic firms in that territory, which is reduced almost exclusively to Repsol. Along with the oil in the market there are only a few projects of English construction companies, as Sacyr. Campos

Repsol is the second European company with more interest in the country after Italy's ENI. Before the conflict forced to halt all oil fields, the company headed by Antonio Brufau extracting 34,777 barrels of crude daily, representing 3.8% of its total production.

Zapatero Gaddafi and when the dictator was so dictator like now

in reserves, Libya is an important stronghold for the English. There is 115 million barrels, up 5% of all stocks in the group. Repsol has more oil in Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. Sacyr is
Libyan conflict can affect production directly the oil, but at the same time, the rising price of crude by the conflict will benefit because it means more profit margin.
in Libya in late 2007, when it was also a joint venture owned by the Libyan Company for Development and Investment, an agency of the Libyan Government.
Through this partnership, the company headed by Luis del Rivero in 2008 was awarded three contracts to carry out development works in El Beida and Benghazi by some 600 million euros.
This whole project has been stalled since the riots began, explained Sacyr. Complete the little English presence in Libya Bruesa builder who built a complex Alkhams Anoakat university also suspended.

In an oasis Aresbank Malaga

The English government has also intervened bank accounts Gaddafi and 25 other members of his family including his son Muammar Khamis, who was studying a Masters in Business School. Spain, however, is not the first fate of Libyan money.
Libya has for the huge amounts of money received in Europe by selling its oil to invest in many Western companies. Spain is no stranger to this influx of petrodollars. Qaddafi and the Libyan state-owned companies control the bank Aresbank, the network of Tamoil service stations and several real estate properties, including luxury homes. Its crown jewel is the La Resinera, located in Malaga, where he planned to build a mega resort.
All of these assets (with the exception of Tamoil) are operated as part of the agreement of EU governments to freeze the properties of Gaddafi and prevent the use to finance the war. The Bank of Spain, for example, has taken over Aresbank.
In Italy, the former colony, Gaddafi participates in Unicredit, the aerospace firm Finmeccanica, and ENI, as well as on the football team Juventus of Turin. It also has stakes in other European companies, as the group Pearson, owner of Financial Times.

Ministers' No 'to' Yes \u200b\u200bto war "

say that" Libya is not Iraq "and that what was then a war, now is not. The Socialist government justified the intervention in Libya, "because there is a favorable resolution of the Security Council of the UN."

These socialists who laugh, while saying one thing and do another one think differently, they laugh at us ...
Unhappy which caught the pumps that send these peace to Libya.

comes from larazón.es - March 21, 1911 - Madrid - CS Macías And is not Iraq because now it does intend to enter Spain in action during the attacks, beyond providing bases and airspace, and because in Spain Government the 'No to war "and then he would Aznar. But the truth is that even during the famous photo of the Azores still there was no UN resolution, the day English troops set foot in Iraq, made pursuant to Resolution 1472 adopted by the UN on 28 Llamazares accused the government of "loaded" the 'no war' MADRID, 21 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) -
In those dates, then "peace" of the PSOE came to the manifestations of "No War" and seconded the 60 calls that were made throughout Spain during the February 15 and 15 and March 22, 2003. Then José Bono preferred "to die rather than kill," others like Jose Blanco demanded the PP to "apologize" and wondered if "feel shame for the atrocities" being committed. Meanwhile, Pedro Zerolo holding the banners of "peace." Eight years after his "No War" is full of nuances, have changed their address and are not reflected. It is now considered to be "free the people of Libya", the operation "Not mounted on lies" and that this time "the public was calling for a concerted reaction." After the start of the attacks, in which Spain, as a member of the allies is deploying its weapons material, and it is unclear whether there deaths. IU think that Zapatero has carried his "No War" and his pledge to ask Parliament approval: it will be days after it decided. VE "too many similarities" with Iraq
Izquierda Unida deputy Congress, Gaspar Llamazares, on Monday accused the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has been "charged" the 'no war' with its decision to participate in military action in Libya and has said that there are "too many similarities and few differences "with the war in Iraq.

IU deputy has admitted that it seemed "wrong" that Zapatero will ask Congress for authorization to participate in this international mission after he has started this operation. "It's just a formality," he said.

In any case, reiterated that his party will vote no to an intervention, in his view, is a "barbaric" because it has "nothing to do with" defending human rights or democracy, but it is an intervention "and geostrategic interests."

with dictators was safer

"Neither the Human Rights and impose democracy through war, but about designing the future of northern Africa, some countries was safer with dictators, and now have to address it after the dictatorships, "said.
In this context, Llamazares has criticized the Socialist executive has not only been "charged" the 'no war' which was shouted with Iraq, but also everything was achieved in 2003 with the mobilization against this contention and the decision of Parliament in military action abroad.
Asked if the mission is more illegal than the Iraq war, the parliamentary IU has responded that "there are too many similarities," since, as noted above, there is "a coalition and a war of interests and intervention for citizens and democracy. " Although they recognized the existence of a UN resolution unlike Iraq, has made clear that this is not "carte blanche."

also the deputy of Iniciativa per Catalunya Nuria Buenaventura, which shares IU group, has criticized the military operation, recalling that even if intervention was required in defense of the opposition to Gaddafi, is not acceptable to have taken a step actions "offensive." Buenaventura took to denounce the double standards and double standards of the international community, noting that in other Arab countries like Bahrain is attacking the opposition or no compliance with the UN resolutions as Israel. NO TO WAR, the first assault today in major cities
But it also stressed that the weapons with Gadhafi represses its people were sold by the same countries that are now involved in defense of that population, also including Spain.
After 20h in Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Seville, Bilbao, Gijon, Santiago ...

Continued from republica.es - 1:29 pm of Tuesday, March 22 On Tuesday, the day when the prime minister will appear in Congress are calling for protest rallies against war and against the NATO attack on Libya through the Twitter network.
At 12 before the Congress of Deputies held a rally to mark the appearance of President Government to deny any legitimacy to the Chamber to engage the English State in an assault considered a war crime.

the afternoon, after 20h, in Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSevilla, Valencia, Santiago, Bilbao, Gijon and other cities will take place concentrations NO TO WAR.

Madrid, Barcelona Puerta del Sol, Plaza Sant Jaume Valencia, Sevilla
Town Hall Square, Alameda de Hercules
Gijon, Santiago
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Plaza del Obradoiro
Bilbao, Alicante
Moyua Plaza, Plaza de Toros
Wednesday on 23
Zaragoza at 19.30 in the auditorium
At 20h in Boots (León)

Thursday on 24

Paterna (Valencia) at 20h front of City Hall.

Saturday March 26
18.00. Demonstration in Madrid, Cibeles a Sol No to imperialist war! For the sovereignty of the people! NATO, bases out!

If you have information on other calls inform us through the comments on this news.


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